You’re in heaven! it Was worth it!
Rev 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
Rev 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
Rev 21:3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
Rev 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Through-out the old and New Testament, the river is depicted as a place of crossing. Crossing from one country into another. From one boarder into another, from one kingdom into another.
But of all these rivers, the river that flows from Gods throne is the most notable. This river is called the river of life.
Symbolically speaking, when a person dies, they all cross a river. From the boundaries of this world into the boundaries of Gods world. This river is referred to as the “Jordon River”. the river banks on earths side is called the region of death, on the other bank, is the regions of life. Coming out on the other side, they come into the land of Gods domain. It’s here they will meet their judgements. They will reap their rewards for obedience to God, or they will meet their punishments for a life of sin. The rewards of acceptance into Gods world is called heaven, but the punishments for a life of sin, is a godless world of hell and burning. Both worlds are eternal. And final forever.
It’s crossing this river, from this life into the next, is where men’s faith is put to the greatest test. Many a man has boasted loudly how their crossing will be, but in the throes of death, they screamed and cursed God for the unquenchable fire!
Remember dear friend, the race is not to the swift or the strong, or the smart, or the wealthy. but to those who by Gods grace have endured to the end, being found faithful!
So, in this lesson we read today, “you’re in heaven! Was it worth it!” let us consider A true Christian, A saints of God, as he crosses his Jorden river, from this life to the next.
We are not referring to an empty vocal “professors” and actors. who professes to be a Christian, because he has learned what to say and how to say it, though He has no God within his heart or to be seen in his life. They may know the scripture, but have not yet learned how to live it.
Neither are we referring to the religionist, who has been caught up in “church-ianity”. who follows the strictest letter of the law, in every ceremony, dress or customs of the church. These are the bible thumpers, they throw scriptures at you like they were weapons and darts, but there is no love or compassion in their hearts. (Just being religious brings them into the deepest parts of hell). For they have never humbled himself before Christ, confessed and forsaken their sins, and repented of their life style of sin. they therefore, seek to enter into the kingdom of God, by doing church works, or selfish-pride, always making excuses for their sin, but alas, he shall not be able to enter the kingdom of God.
The true Christian has humbled themselves before God in prayer and actions, confessed their sins, make no provisions for sin, repented of their wicked lifestyle. Turned to following Christ according to his holy word. Living a life of righteousness and holiness, they have discovered the word of God, is a refuge and strength. A blessing to their hearts and spirit. And learned that prayer is fellowship with their risen Lord and Saviour. A life of prayer and fellowship with Christ is a life of victory, power and happiness. They will discover their names are written in the lambs’ book of life, they are the invisible church. The heavenly church of the first born, where the souls of just men are made perfect. They are the spiritual body of Christ in the present physical world.
A true Christian will soon learn the organized religions of today, that call themselves a church, are dead religions. They have the form of church, but mock those who try to show them a higher way.
Once you have tasted the realities of serving Your lord, through the fruits of his spirit, you will never go back to those dead know-so, religions!
When A Saint crosses their “Jorden River”, they go over shouting praises to their heavenly father! With their faces shinning from his presence!
For them, there are no sad farewells, or cursing God for any unquenchable fires! They are swept up by the currents of his love, being found faithful and pure. They become the bride of Christ, forever!
Blessed, are they keep the ordinances of the book of life!
So, again, let us consider the true Christian, as he crosses his “Jorden river”, from this life to the next.
These events are taken in part, from John Bunyons’ “pilgrim progress” and from “Christiania’s progress”. Bunyon was born in 1628. He served in the kings’ army, and personally witnessed these events of his day.
You will discover these earthly events are mentioned in scripture somewhere, and are examples of what we can expect when we enter the kingdom of God.
These illustrations open our understanding, in dealing with the issues of life and death.
As the real Christian approaches his Jorden River, (dying), His hopes are high and full of joy. For he knows where he is going! Often there can be seen on his face a light that comes from somewhere within. (This is called the shekinah glory) he is not afraid, but rather rejoices for the hope set before him. Just as he has been faithful to God in this life, even so will the Lord Jesus himself be faithful unto him as he enters his Jorden. His crossing is short, and soon he is swept into the arms of his waiting Savior! Sometimes the angels of God will attend his passing. There will be many tears shed by those who are left behind. Tears of sadness that he is gone, mixed with tears of joy, for they also know where he soon will be!
As the child of God leaves the river, and enters upon the banks of Gods domain, there the angels are waiting to greet him! There will be salutations and much rejoicing! Also gathered around will be many saints and sages from years gone by. All rejoicing as you exit the river. The angels, (sometimes called shining ones), will escort you as you ascend the rivers bank, and they will walk with you, up the hill to the gates of the city!
The kingdom of God will be in full array! Large banners hanging from the mighty wall! Streamers flying from the tower tops. Many shouts of welcomes from men and angels alike, who stand upon the walls.
Children coming out to greet you will be shouting, running and jumping, as only children know how to do! as you approach the Gates of the city, you will hear singing as you have never heard before in this life! Loved one waiting just outside the gate will be rejoicing and shouting praises to God, that you’re here! Finally, here! As you pass through the gate, the streets are lined with people, waving and singing and praising God! Many booths will be set up, with Food and refreshment of all kinds for your enjoyment. Trumpets blowing and bells ringing will announce your coming to the kings’ palace. The kings’ mighty men of valor, dressed in full uniform will greet you and escort you into the palace, along with the royal nobles of that place. As you enter the kings’ banqueting hall. You will pass through the gates of thanksgiving, with much rejoicing. After that you will enter the Kings’ courts, where praises for God the father and God the son will echo and resound from the walls!
The great crowd of witnesses, loved one, and angels will follow you into these halls. There will be an immense table spread there for everyone! The king himself will enter the banqueting hall, with trumpets announcing his arrival. The king himself will serve you and all the royal host with you! There will be so much rejoicing, the halls will echo with the shouts! and the kingdom will be heard for miles around.
Then will be the great day of coronation for the king of kings! Every soul and angel in heaven will be there. Jesus is crowned as the king of all kings and the victor of all eternity! What a ceremony that will be!
Next will be the marriage supper of the lamb! As the church triumphant is named as the bride of Christ! The banqueting hall will once again be filled and running over! It’s the marriage supper of the lamb!
After the marriage supper, the King of Kings returns to earth to take up his rightful possession as king and creator of all the earth! He will come to earth with his heavenly armies on war horses and the saints clad in the armor of light. He will set up his kingdom upon earth, he will conquer Jerusalem and enter it as the ruling king! Jesus will rule all the earth from Jerusalem. He once was despised and rejected as the son of God, but now he returns in great glory! Christ will cast satan and all his followers into the bottomless pit, there they will burn and scream, from which there shall be no escape. Christ will reign on earth will last for a thousand years! Oh, what glory upon the earth! He will turn the earth into the garden of Eden as he intended to do from the beginning of time! He will lift the curse of sin from off the earth! And peace will be his kingdom! He shall rule with a rod of iron!
After 1000 years, satan will be loosed from the bottomless pit! Satan will muster an immense army in rebellion against the king of glory! But Christ by the power of his spoken word, will utterly slay those wicked ones. And they will be cast into to the lake of fire forever! Along with every sinner that never repented.
Christ will utterly burn this old world to ashes, and create a new earth, and a new Heaven, with never a curse of sin anywhere! there will be no seas or oceans. There will be no sun or moon or stars. A new heavenly Jerusalem from God, will descend out of heaven from God, down upon earth, and from this new Jerusalem, Christ will Reign forever and ever.
Heaven, will be open for all the saints and angels. there will be no night there. Neither any sickness or death. The home of the righteous and pure. Forever with God!
Note: Revelation 21:16,17 give the measurements of the city of God.
A furlong: is an eighth of a mile. Or 660 ft
Cubit: approx. 18 inches or 1 foot and 6 inches
Rev 21:16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
12,000 x 660 ft =7,920,000ft. or 1,500 miles.
Some would think the city is a cube. But that is by todays thinking.
When a king measured a city, he measured the circumference of the walls of that city. In this case 1,500 miles on each of the four sides. (Thus four square) 6,000 miles circumference! BUT! they also measured the highest elevation inside those walls! This was very important! When that king and his city came under attack, the higher the elevation, the greater the advantage of defending the city. The attackers were disadvantaged to climb and fight uphill! Boulders, weights and other things thrown down from the wall, proved very effective in crushing an army flat into the ground, and would continue rolling to make its path of devastation even more effective. Also, any weapons shot from the higher elevation went farther and hit harder. Much more than the attackers, having to shoot uphill against gravity and trying to curve those arrows around the wall. Catapults were mounted on those higher elevation for the same reason.
The kings palace was normally situated on the highest elevation also. With a secondary defense wall around the palace. Sometimes a refuge tower (called a “hold”) was built there also, as a last line of defense.
When we read the city lieth foursquare, we must remember, the walls were not 1500 mile high. The advantage point of the elevation was!
The very next verse tells us the actual height of those walls
Rev 21:17 And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.
Cubit=18 inches. X 144 cubits = 2592 inches. Or 216 ft tall.
Why many people miss this fact, I do not know. I have heard many say the walls were 1500 miles high. Then I have to ask ”as anybody read the next verse?” “What does :17 tell you?”
When satan rebelled against God, satan said “he would set his throne on the sides of the north.” Meaning he planned on conquering the city of God and he would place his throne inside the kings palace. We all know how that worked out for him!
If the wall was 1500 miles high, and had nothing to do with the elevation of the land or the palace, then satan would have to balance his ornamented chair in the top of the wall. At 1500 miles nobody would even know he was there. He would look like an even bigger fool! Consider!