The inspired word!
The question was asked “Is the bible Gods inspired word”? There were several answers that quoted scripture such as:
2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2Pe 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
Other verses were quoted as well and some things were said out of zeal in defense of the bible. It was pointed out how different men of God prophesied and how those prophesies came to pass, hundreds and sometimes thousands of years later. It was also pointed out how the books of the bible covered centuries of time, a wide variety of people and classes, and yet all were in harmony and continuous in their message.
All this is very true and has a place in our reasoning and understanding. Especially when reaching out to the lost who have little or no light (light= knowledge of the things of God.). However, they are intellectual answers that do not satisfy the hunger in the soul. The Word of God goes far deeper than intellectual reasoning, historical documents and logic. This all fell short of the actual realities of Gods word and power! For the born again Christian, there is a reality, a power and a presence that is engrafted into the very heart and life of each child of God!
- So, how do we know the Bible actually came from God?
- How do we know it is inspired by God, or has any meaning in our lives?
- Can we really know for sure, and is there any way of finding out?
- Can it really do what it says? And is God real? Just how real is he?
Let us consider the realities and the power of Gods word and let the evidence answer those questions and speak for its self!
How I know the bible is real and inspired of God.
- When my sins had dragged me down, and my guilt and shame caused me to fear the judgment of God! Looking to Jesus, I found peace and forgiveness. I then knew the bible was true!
- When I kneel in prayer and feel Gods presence! I know the bible is true!
- When I felt the weight of my sins being lifted and I found a cleanness and a wonderful peace inside. I know the bible is true!
- When I see the joy and happiness of real Christians, and feel their buoyant spirit that is bubbling over, I then say, “I want what they have”! and when I found it, I knew the bible was true!
- When I see the lost die and hear them beg for water and curse the fire, they go screaming out into eternity. I know the bible is true!
- When I face the trials of life, and I call out to God for help, he meets me there and gives me peace and strength for the day, I know the bible is true!
- When the saints I knew, have passed away, they leave this world in shouts of praise to God. I know the bible is true!
- When my evil habits and motives were confessed, forsaken and surrendered to God, he set me free from my darkness and filled my heart with songs of glory, and deliverance! I know the bible is true!
- When I see sinners get saved, they have a shine on their face and a joy in their countenance, a spring in their step! They are changed from the inside out! Praise God! I know the bible is true!
- When I read the word of God and see how it speaks to me. it feeds my hungry heart! And satisfies! I know the bible is true!
- When in the place of prayer, God turns my tears into sweet joy and happiness! His presence is my portion! I know the bible is true!
- When I face circumstances that are beyond my control, but will be devastating to me, I Cry out to God, and everything changes by the mysterious power of the almighty God! I know the bible is true!
- When the holy spirit encourages me and give me insights that I could never have known in my own power. I know the bible is true!
- When God warns me of dangers or dangerous people, I heed his warnings and escape, because God cared enough about me to protect me! he is watching over me! I know the bible is true!
- When I struggle with personal fears, emotional battles, or confusion, I seek Gods help, and He always meets with me and frees me from myself! I know the bible is true!
- When temptations come and seek to lure me away into -destruction and shame, I flee to God and trust in his word, The evils flees away and I walk in the sunshine of his love once again, safe and secure! I know the bible is true!
- When I see those that are caught up in selfishness, pride, ego, money and other such darkness’s, I thank my Lord and Savior that he set me free from all these and more! Yes! I know the bible is true!
- When the holy spirit fills me with such love and peace, the tears of joy flow down my face in wonderful feeling of Glory and happiness! I know the bible is true!
- When others seek to harm me, discredit me, reject me, deceive me, mock me, take advantage of me and ridicule, God gave me grace to stand strong under their attacks, and gave me a peace inside my accusers could not understand. I know the bible is true!
- When others are wringing their hands in fear and hopelessness, I’m thankful for the peace God gave me, and for the hope he set before me! I know the bible is true!
- When the end of time has come! And the wrath of God is poured out upon the earth and those still on it! While others scream in terror and try to run. I will be rising up into the air to meet my lord and savior! To the wicked, he is an angry eternal God of wrath! But to me, he my heavenly father! And he is coming to take me home! I know the bible is true!
- When the spirit witnesses to me that something is true, or warns me that something is wrong, though I cannot see what it is. I follow his word, and he surrounds me! I know the bible is true!
- When I meet true Saints, there is a kindred spirit we share, that witness to me. I know the bible is true!
- When God gave me victory over sin, death, the selfish-life, the grave, Hell and the world. I know the bible is true!
- I will leave this world and rise to be with him forever, I can say good-by to the sufferings and trials of this life, to be in Heaven with God the father, Jesus the Son, and the blessed Holy Spirit Forever! My Songs of praise will never end, and I can say, I know the bible is true!
The bible is real and inspired of God!
I never met any of the bible prophets, or heard any of their preaching or messages, I wasn’t there when what they said came to pass. Neither was I around when those from years long ago, penned their messages in complete harmony with others they didn’t even know. These are all very true and cannot be denied. These are proofs from the past.
But I know from personal up to date experience, The living Word of God is inspired and alive and real! That God is real and closely watching everything I do, and that he is in complete control of all things! That same God, is my heavenly father! I know the bible is true!