Truth VS. facts

Truth or fact?

Some believe facts and truth are the same. But they are actually opposites.  Let’s consider some of the differences.

Facts                     Based on humanism and false science.                                 

  1. Changeable by the minuet
  2. Powerless to change hearts
  3. Unclear or foggy due to the persons perspective
  4. Circumstantial according to time, place and people
  5. Temporal, limited to this world
  6. Dead, has no life to give
  7. Reject the truth and focuses on circumstances
  8. Man made, and man controlled. Often for selfish reasons
  9. Glorifies or degrades man, depending on who is compiling the facts.
  10. Deceivable as to who and why
  11. Misleading. Not inclusive of all things considered
  12. Seasonable. Influenced by fads, customs, cultures or trends
  13. speaks to the senses and mind to convince
  14. Involves darkness such as Evils acts and hidden motives.
  15. Hides. Focuses on tunnel vision to validate a purpose
  16. Earthly. Limited to science and knowledge
  17. Satan uses facts to destroy and deceive
  18. Give a self-generated agenda for man to accept himself
  19. Lead to bondage. The outcome of self-justifiable actions
  20. Used to condemn. Proof of unacceptable action
  21. Written by man. To blind the minds of men against God
  22. Proof of events. Does not include motive, purposes or guilt.
  23. Ignores and reject the cross as a way of salvation
  24. Robs men of spiritual strength and mental confidence
  25. Deals with the laws of physics and phycology.
  26. Embolden man into debauchery, based on humanism
  27. Blinds man as to the possibility of Grace
  28. Accepted by the world. Rejects God and his truth.
  29. Deceives man into a twisted understanding of success. Based on personal temporal values.
  30. Men will spend eternity screeching and burning, because they believed the facts.

2 Corinthians  4:4    the god of this world, uses facts, not truth.               

  In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 

Truth:                            The KJV Bible.  Gods Holy word!

  1. Never changes, anytime, anyplace, anywhere, for anybody.
  2. Has spiritual power to change lives and eternity
  3. Give a clear perspective of God, regardless of mans perspective
  4. Absolute!  Circumstance or people has no influence against Gods absolute.
  5. Eternal, covers all of time and eternity
  6. Alive from God, has power to give life
  7. Reveal God to the heart and soul of man, as to his love, power, and Godhead. Contrary to mans “Facts”.
  8. God ordained, and reigns over all the earth. To the Glory of God!
  9. Glorifies God. For who he is! In complete mercy to all men.
  10. Reveals the truth of men’s hearts and motives
  11. Guides with light. Without any respect of person or position
  12. Not seasonal. Applies to all men at all time, everywhere.
  13. Reveals to the spirit. Guilt and condemnation of sin.
  14. Exposes darkness. As to its destructiveness and condemnation, while pointing to light and hope.
  15. Shines to be seen. Exposes the deceitfulness of tunnel vision.
  16. Heavenly. Reigns for all of heaven and will live on past the end of time
  17. God uses truth. To heal and deliver
  18. Reveals mans need and total dependence upon God.
  19. Leads to revelation to Set men free
  20. Used to deliver. And points to the cross
  21. Written by God. To deliver from the darkness of sin
  22. Proof of motive, spirit, character and outcome.
  23. Embraces the cross as a means to salvation.
  24. Strengthens mans spirit and witness to the truth, giving peace and confidence to the mind.
  25. Deals with Gods laws of the spiritual and eternity.
  26. Converts man into fellowship with God and Fills man with the fruits of the spirit.
  27. Lifts man above the here and now, into the world of mercy and hope.
  28. Rejects the world, and accepts God as the absolute creator of all things.
  29. Opens mans eyes that real success is acceptance and fellowship with God
  30. Men will spend eternity, in endless bliss of hope and love, because they embraced the truth.

2Corinthians 4:6                                      Truth! 

 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.