why a song book

    Why a song Book?  A message of hope!

 The words of a song, are a lot deeper than most people realize. The tune is not necessary to get the message of the words. Within the lyrics and pose, is the realities of what the scripture is trying to say.   The lyrics and message in a hymn book, is telling us what the Christian life is supposed to be like! If our walk with God is any different than what the hymn book is singing about, then something is missing in us! The old saints of yesteryear had an amazing relationship with God.

Somehow over time, the church has lost its power, its depth and its spiritualties.  Although those powerful men and women of long ago are gone, the songs they wrote and the message they presented is still with us!  Praise God for those sacred songs of worship! Most of the hymns we have today, were written through suffering and grief. Yet the writers knew how to get in touch with God, and overcame their trials. In doing so, they took quill in hand and wrote the praises and expressions of the songs, we now call hymns!

               Reading or singing the hymns is very strengthening and encouraging. Then, When the bible is read, these scripture passages will come alive! Why? Because the foundation of our understanding is laid in our hearts, by the power and insights of hymns!   Reading the songs, is connect the dots, of what a real Christian ought to be and live, and where they get their spiritual power from!

                What many people fail to realize is, singing is a form of worship! Whatever the words are reflecting, IS   the spirit of that song! If the words are about immorality, then singing them is worshiping the dark spirits of immorality! If we sing about any type of sin, then we are worshiping the same dark spirit that is behind that sin!

                The same is true of the things of God.  Singing about the things of God, is worshipping God! It’s sad to see people who say they are Christians, and without even knowing it, are worshipping some dark spirt of hell, because of the type of songs they listen to or sing. Then they wonder why they have no power with God, or in their walk with God, or power over sin! You cannot worship God and devils!

Music by-passes the filters of our mind, and goes straight to the heart!  There will be times when the battles of life are so severe, words will not work! There is nothing anyone can say that will help or comfort you in any way. its then we find listening to music is the only avenue of hope and strength!

 The humble and lowly hymn book, is a spiritual gold mine!

  Praise God for the old story of the Gospel, and the hymns that go with it! It doesn’t matter how we read it! Start from the front and work your way through, skip around in it if you like, read the songs according to the authors, or whatever! You pick!  But reading it is essential to strengthening our hearts and spirit.

There is power in the word of God! It doesn’t matter if we read it, memorize it, sing it, or copy it. The power is there!  Blessed is the man who reads the bible every day!  And reads its praise in song every day!

Distractions will seek to pull you away, from reading the bible or a song book! But the simple prayer of faith will put distractions on the run! Keep pressing for the kingdom of God!

Even if you don’t have time to read much scripture, at least read a song!

 Put it next to your bible. Read a song or two, then spend time reading the bible.  You don’t have to be a good reader, or a theologian.  Just reading It open our understanding and strengthen us. In time, a whole new world of Gods mercy and presence will open up to you! The more you fill your mind with scripture and song, the sooner that will happen!

Finally, where we spend eternity, can be seen, by where we spend our time!

   I have include some of the articles I have been working on.  I hope they will encourage you as much as they encouraged me!

Robert & Jovanna.