This is an allegory. Titled No such things as hawks. based on true stories.
In a certain town, there was an indoor bird sanctuary. One day these birds got together and had a meeting to discuss the terrible stories there were hearing about hawks. It was decided, since no one had ever actually seen any hawks, and no hawks had ever been inside with them, then the conclusion was obvious. There were no such things as hawks. It was also decided, the rumors they were hearing about hawks, were just a scare tactics to keep everyone inside the sanctuary. Also, it was decided that hawk stories were used to brainwash all the birds into obedience. The meeting ended with everyone in unity on the subjects: there was no such things as Hawks! Their happy days went by freely, with no more rumors about anyone seeing a hawk,
One day, several of the birds sounded the alarm about hawks. They all said they had seen a big bird catching other birds in flight, and eating them! They all saw it through the window. A meeting was quickly called and the elders decided the story was not true, because there were no such things as hawks. The witnesses were interviewed and declared to be false birdies and were accused of trying to cause divisions and suspicions. They were given instructions on repentance and ordered to make apologies. But the sentence didn’t end there. They were slowly singled out as trouble makers and ostracized. This of course caused other birds to be silent about what they had also seen outside the window.
Then it happened! The caretaker, accidently left the door open to the sanctuary! Several birds got out. But they weren’t gone long until the hawks descended upon them. Some of them didn’t make it back to the sanctuary. Meanwhile, the caretaker discovered the accident, and shut the door. This sad event simply could not get out. As for those birds who has seen it themselves, they would not be silenced about what had happened. Of course, this created a big stir among the elders who hastily called a meeting to address the issue. It was decided, since those who came back and made the reporting, had caused such a big uproar, the matter was completely untrue, for no good social standing bird, would ever cause such concern and worry among the flock. They were deemed evil and divisive.
Then one day, a mighty wind came and tore the sanctuary apart. The terrified birds all fled. But many of them had not taken heed to the warnings of hawks. And soon the hawks were having a feast on the unsuspecting birds.
Those who had heeded the warnings, took every precaution and survived the ordeal.
Meanwhile, the caretakers rebuilt the sanctuary. And the remaining elders, tried to coax the other birds back.
But they had seen for themselves the terror of the hawks. And would not return to the foolish falsehoods of the misleading elders.
Instead, they took up residence in others parts and returned to their natural environments and freedoms. Yes, there are hawks out there, but never would they be so foolish as to ignore the obvious warnings of truth, and live cowardly under the tight regime of the other birds, who simply wanted a following.
Reality check! The story #1
A coworker was involved in a cult religion. We both shared our faith and we grew to be close friends. His denomination didn’t believe in certain things that the bible said Was true. He faithfully followed what their leaders said, and was trained in how to deal with unbelievers. Unbelievers being defined as anyone who didn’t attend their church. I showed him the verses in the bible and gave him my personal testimony on the matter. But when he conferred with his elders, they rejected all that was said, and put him on probation. If he wanted to keep their approval, he would have to stop all these confusing doctrines, for they were causing divisions. He stayed away for a while. But the truth had been planted, and by and by, he brought up the subject again. This time I presented him with a book that exposed the truth. He took it home and read every page! But when he went to the elders about it, they rebuked him sharply and threatened him. they even sent several of their members to follow him around and spy on his activities. They even tried to turn his own family against him. He realized that if he left that denomination, he would lose part of his family. But he had seen the truth, and started making plans to get out of that cult. There were many sacrifices and harrowing moments, in leaving.
They continued to follow him around, slandered his name everywhere he went. Turned many of his friends against him. Even his parents were cut off from him. He took his wife and their children, and started their life over again. The scars went deep. It took a long time. eventually they tried to woo him back, but he had seen to much. He had to change his job, his phone number, his emails, and his friends. He even got another car. He and I had grown very close. We still stayed in touch. Eventually, I changed jobs and had to move away. I still miss him today.
As I looked back on this scenario, I see a pattern. A pattern that repeats itself every time leadership falls from the truth, and begins to seek for followers and supporters. They are not seeking Christ. They are seeking supporters to feed their ego and finances. The poor victims they make merchandise of, will one day become the victims of their own making.
Meanwhile they keep believing their leaders, rejecting the truth and telling themselves “There are no such things as hawks. “
Reality check! The story #2.
While serving in the USN. I met a man who told me of his astounding story.
His family lived in southern California. They attended a large church there. the paster. Convinced the people, that Jesus had showed him the exact date, Jesus would return to earth. The people all got on board the excitement and zeal, of Christ return. They all decided, to get everything in their lives in order, to meet Christ when he arrived. This included selling everything they owned, and giving it to the church. Nobody wanted Jesus to come back, and find them hoarding anything. The theme was sacrifice and surrender.
This they did. Including bank accounts and property. All went to the church!
And so it was, on a certain day, they all gathered outside of town, on a large hilltop. Waiting for Jesus.
But the only thig that showed up was the police, with several busses, Child protection services and several news stations. All with camera’s rolling and trying to take interviews.
Every child was taken into custody for protection. It was deemed, since the adults had no way of providing for the children, the local government would intervein. All for the safety and welfare of the children.
Every adult parent, was also taken into custody. Charged with neglect and abandonment. There were a few adults there, who had no children, and thus were released.
The man told me his story with a lot of difficulty. He never ever saw his children or his wife again. When he was released, he owed a fortune to lawyers, trying to get his family back, to no avail.
Left homeless, forsaken, bitter, and angry.
Where was the preacher? GONE! He never showed up! And it was discovered, he left with all the assets given to the church.
Reality check! The Story #3
When just a young man in high school, I met a girl who I really liked. We seemed to get along very well. One day I asked to meet her parents. But was told the following sad story.
The mention of God, or anything to do with God, was not allowed in their home. the girl was not allowed to associate with anyone who had any inkling towards religion. If I wanted to meet her parents, I had to agree to all the conditions.
If any mention of God was accidently made, the father would go ballistic and violent!
I asked why? The dad and whole family used to be Christians. They went to church faithfully. But as time went on, the dad began to see inconsistencies in the doctrine and lives of those who preached it. Their doctrine was to get saved and keep on sinning. Try to get to heaven by good works and sincerity. Feelings and emotions, showmanship and acceptance were everything to them! Gods word was not!
He quietly went to each person in leadership, and spoke to them about what he was seeing
This resulted in his whole family being persecuted by the church. It got horrible and unbearable. The dad stood his ground, but eventually had a series of nervous breakdowns. It was only then did they leave the church. And wrote off Christianity as a hypocritical religion!
The dad read his bible very carefully. He understood it. But when he discovered the church doctrine was in great error, instead of leaving while he could, he tried to change the church!
He failed to realize, the leadership was committed to the money, the image, and the prestige. They were not there to build the kingdom of God! They were in it for themselves!
The list of reality check stories, is long and dark. But each one of them could have been avoided, if those involved had read the bible for themselves! To understand it, obey it, and live it! This alone will lead you right into the kingdom of God! The Bible says to have no fellowship with anyone who is preaching another gospel. Avoid them, stay away! They will only increase to more ungodliness.
Living in all the truth you have, is far better, than trying to copy someone else’s opinion of it.
Reading the bible is vital, but if you find, the fellowship you are involved in, has slightly twisted or is a little shady in its doctrine, GET OUT! Run while you can. It will minimize your losses! If leadership is corrupt, you will not be able to change it!
The time will come, (and is not far away), when if anyone wants to find God, the best and safest way, is to read the bible for yourself. Stay away from churches. Obey what the bible says, let the presence of God lead you. And walk in all the understanding you have.
There are a few churches still holding on. but they are rare. They are hard to find. Finding one is like finding an oasis in the desert!
This does not mean; you will agree with everyone in the church. Neither does it mean, everyone in the church will agree with you. There will differences because we are naturally inclined to be opinionated and have different taste and opinions. But if the differences is a matter of living contrary to Bible truths, get out fast! BEWARE!
If the doctrine in question, is not a serious or foundational issue, then our differences must be ignored. The rule of love, is always in order.
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