To big for you.

To big for you.

 In this recent dream, there are several things that keep coming back in other dreams also. This one involves a Quincey, rotary screw air compressor.  I’m working in a factory, and as usual, I’m doing maintenance and repairs.  Working In a factory is very common in many of my dreams.  Someone comes to me and ask if I know anything about air compressors?  “Yes,” I replied.” There isn’t much to them. “They told me “There is an air compressor that’s not working right. several have looked at it, but so far nobody can get it working. Would I be willing to take a look at it?” I said that I would, and they told me where it was at. So, I went there.

            I was asking my self many questions on my way down to the compressor room.  Such as what kind of compressor was it? Whats the psi output? Was it completely down or still running in half power? And so forth.

 When I arrived at the compressor, I was shocked how big it was! I’d never in my whole career seen anything close to this big! WOW.  It was Enormous! It was bigger than a greyhound bus!

            I was surprised to see several people were standing around looking at it.  Some were “making adjustments” as a trial-and-error show.   (A very BAD thing to do!)

Others were experimenting with the control panels.  Some were actually looking at the compressor manual! I thought at least these guys had the right idea of where to start! 

            Someone asked me who I was, so, I introduced myself and said I work in the maintenance dept. I was asked to look at the compressor. Then the question was put to me if I know anything about Quincey compressors? I said” yes, I went to school for Quincey compressors. I know a little bit about them.”

             At that point several backed away from the unit as if to say “have at it”.  So, I started off by asking what was the compressor doing originally, that was causing the problems.  Someone said “the pressure was spiking high, then dropping down to nothing. then the compressor would start making a strange humming sound, then it would shut off. “

I went to each person who had made “adjustments” on it, and asked what they had tried. one by one, as they told me, I would undo their adjustments, taking the compressor back to original state.  Then. I went over the compressor doing a preliminary operation check, using the maintaince manual , that came with the unit.  This is what you do when initially setting it up. Everything checked out ok, except for some calibration and a few safety checks. Now it was all set to do a test start. But upon the test start, it returned to the original problem.  This I was expecting, but had to verify before continuing on.

   While I was doing this, there were two guys that kept walking out of sight, behind the compressor.  I went to them and asked what they were doing. They showed me a rotary dial, that had several settings on it. They could not remember where it was set before they started adjusting it, so they were trying different setting to see if it would work.  It was a timer control for a blowdown, and had nothing to do with the operation of the unit. I asked them to please do not make any further adjustments. They said OK, and left the room.  I set the blowdown at 5. Where it was supposed to be.  I looked closely at the “operation and service manual” . And went to work on the unit.

After working on the unit for a very long time, I still could not get it to operate correctly.  I had done everything I knew and everything the service manual said, but was getting nowhere.

Now this guy comes in, wearing a suit, (people in suits don’t normally enter the maintenance area’s).

He asked “what’s wrong with it?”

 I said “I don’t know.”

His reply was, “I need someone who knows. If you can’t fix it, then I’ll get somebody who can!”

I said, “I suggest you get somebody who can. I can’t.”

He said “I will” as he was leaving the room.

Immediately upon his leaving the room, (I don’t think the door had even finished closing), when these two guys come in. They were clean, neat and very professional. They each carried a small canvas tool bag. I wondered who they were! They said “we are here to fix the compressor” I thought:” WOW! That was fast!”

I gave them the customary rundown of events, starting from the time I entered the compressor room to the time they walked in. This is the normal procedure on any machinery, anytime you hand it off to another tech.

They thanked me for my input, and started going over the machine. I watched them very closely seeing what they were doing, hoping to learn something. However, I wasn’t able to see anything. It seems something was always in the way.  I thought it strange they were focusing on the access panels into the base framework, (the metal base the compressor sits on) and not on the compressor at all.

After a while, they said it was ready. They started it, and it ran perfectly! This really had my attention!  

THESE GUYS ARE GOOD!  I asked them “what did you find down there?” I really wanted to know.

Here is where a dream, becomes a profound truth!

Their answer was this:  your fighting battles you know nothing of. The things your facing is far above your head, you cannot attain to them.  You’ll do your best with all sincerity, trying at the controls, but this battle is way too big for you. This is not your battle that you are fighting! Its Gods battle. You thought you knew enough about it to understand it.  But you don’t.  You are not to know the mystery’s that God has reserved unto himself. Your battle is to stand still, don’t trust in yourself, wait upon the Lord And let God be God, and you be found faithful!

 If you try to Fix it your way, it will be a waste of time and things will get worse.  Except the lord build the house, they that labor, will labor in vain.  Your strength is to wait on the Lord!

 With that, the two men walked away.  Only then did I noticed they were still spotlessly clean, after crawling around in that oily greasy metal base pit.  Some things weren’t for me to know.

This profound dream, has helped me exceedingly. How many battles am I facing, and seeming to get nowhere!

How many frustrations have I dealt with, that I needed not to have even worried about?

How many sleepless nights have I had, when God was waiting for me to give the battle to him and surrender the outcome into his hands? How long will I let others throw me into some problem that is not my problem at all.

God can turn our problems into praise, but first we must obey him, and let him do it his way. then he will get the recognition, and not us!

 Sometime we know too much. We think we see it all.  We think we know the way, the outcome and how to get there. So, we go into high gear to “Make adjustments”.  But Gods knows how little we really see. Our world of self isn’t as big as we think it is! Just because we operate with complete sincerity and good will, doesn’t mean we are doing it the way God wants it done!  After all our “adjustments”, we must go back and undo them.

My advice is this…

Their answer was this: “you’re fighting battles you know nothing of. The things your facing is far above your head, you cannot attain to them.  You’ll do your best with all sincerity, but this battle is way too big for you. This is not your battle that you are fighting! Its Gods battle. You are not to know the mystery’s that God has reserved unto himself. Your battle is to stand still, don’t trust in yourself, wait upon the Lord And let God be God, and you be found faithful!

 If you try to Fix it your way, it will be a waste of time and things will get worse.  Except the lord build the house, they that labor, will labor in vain.”  Your strength is to wait on the Lord!


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