Lessons from a blind man.

Lessons from a blind man.

Scripture:   Mark 10:46-52

 Text 10:47 Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me. 

 Lessons from a blind man is a mixture of:

  1. The scriptural story of blind Bartimaeus.
  2. The actions he took revealed his character and his mindset.
  3. Personal recollections and observation of the writer. During alter calls in various churches, concerning those who were seeking something from God. The excuses, shallowness, and misconceptions they had, prevented them from finding the answers they were seeking.
  4. Mixing the lessons together: using the true story in the scripture, Adding the trues life observation, along with the writers’ insights, has produced an interesting tale of what works, and what will not work, in seeking God.
  5. Of all the attributes of God, I have heard several. All were true attributes. But there is one attribute of God that has been overlooked. It is a very important one! God is SERIOUS! He will not tolerate foolishness or shallowness or deceitful cover-ups.

Note: when references are given to a verse in the  Bible, such as Mark 10:46. You will find that verse says a lot of things. In order to make accurate references to a certain part of that long verse, it is normal to use alphabetical footnotes. Such as Mark 10:45a. the “a” refers to the first thought in that long verse.  And so forth. 10:45b, 10:45c, 10:45d. the changing of the foot note, a, b, c, etc., is referring to changing to a different thought in that same long verse.

  You will find the bible uses references, such as Mark 10:45. (Mark= the book, 10= the chapter, 45= verse, 45-52=verses). But the footnotes are generally added but the writers, (not the publishers or the printer).  to identify which portion of that verse they are referring to.  This is very normal, but not always understood but others who just read it.

Mark 10:46  And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging. 

Mar 10:47  And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me. 

Mar 10:48  And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me. 

Mar 10:49  And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee. 

Mar 10:50  And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus. 

Mar 10:51  And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. 

Mar 10:52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way. 

 Bartimaeus had a problem. He had several problems.  His greatest problem was his blindness. If he could receive his sight, all the other problems would go away.

            So, he sits beside the road, begging for his existence. His problems became his identity.  He was not known as Bartimaeus the carpenter, or Bartimaeus the counselor. He was known as blind Bartimaeus.

 Life as a blind man had many hidden challenges.  Things others may not even consider. Such as privacy, hygiene.

Rejection, self-esteem or even a friend.

 There were obvious circumstances like poverty, brashness, hunger or being uncouth.  When shepherds brought their flocks into market, they came in hordes. Bartimaeus could not jump up and run out of the way. running was not an option in his dark world.  But he had a coat or blanket, and when he was overwhelmed by whatever flocks or herds, that came through, he would cover up with this garment, it became his refuge and hiding place.  All the dung piles and other things, left behind by the hordes, was deposited on the blanket. Not him.  It may have even cushioned him to some degree.  This was a terrible event he faced regularly.  But Bartimaeus was very used to it. Being blind in a poverty stricken third world country, is worlds apart from being blind in America today.

It was all part of the dark world of blindness.  Just another day in his paradise. Perhaps it mustered some degree of compassion from those who passed by. Perhaps it resulted in their willingness to give him something of sustenance.  Life may not have moved on, but existence did.  What would you do? what if it was you that was blind? What would be your options back then?

Apparently, somebody got ahold of Bartimaeus. They must have told him all about this miracle worker from Nazareth.  Who was healing blind people just like him! He was healing all kinds of things. Even raising people from the dead!  This Jesus was not your normal person. God was with him in very powerful way! If only you could go and find him! But Bartimaeus could not go and find anyone on his own.  Even if did, who would receive a filthy, brash, ignorant sheep kicking and cussing vile beggar? Bartimaeus was not going anywhere.

People who lose one of their senses, generally capitalize on what ever senses they have left. Blind people normally have very good hearing, touch, and smell. Their sense of direction is amazing.

 So, here is Bartimaeus, by the roadside.  At his daily post of begging.

His sense of hearing would have told him there was a crowd coming. This was not a good sign.  When a king or dignitary came by, all the poor and crippled or infirmed, were commanded to get out of sight.  They were considered an embarrassment to the kings’ realm.  A disgrace to society. Any who failed to get out of sight were faced with sever consequences.  A whipping, or trampling or even imprisoned.  For Bartimaeus, his hearing was his early warning device.

If you look that up in the hillbilly, it means get out of dodge, fast!

             Something was different about this crowd that day. The bible does not tell just what it was, but what ever it was, Bartimaeus recognized it. He refused to crawl away or hide.  This was a bold decision for him. What if he were wrong?

As the crowd drew closer, Bartimaeus began to ask what was it all about? After all, he might change his mind about staying there.

:47 tells us “And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth”.  His whole world changed? Is this indeed the same Jesus of Nazareth he had heard so much about? The miracle worker from Galilee? The healer of the blind?

Bartimaeus world just changed from despair and darkness to hope and more hope! He was not going anywhere! He began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me! I do not think he simply whispered it or hummed it to a little tune. I think he pulled out all the stops! maybe waving his arms and trying to hold himself back from running! But where would he go?  Can blind men cry? I wonder if his voice was shaky.  I wonder if the excitement was a bit overwhelming for him?  I wonder what the devil was secretly telling Bartimaeus?  I do not really know. I have faced some extremely desperate circumstance. But I do not think it was anything like what blind Bartimaeus was facing every day!

As was customary.  The voluntary runners who went before the kings and dignitaries, warning the unworthy to escape. they tried to hush Blind Bartimaeus. But it was to late! His hope was bouncing off the clouds. He had heard to much about this miracle worker! And this miracle worker was Jesus, and Jesus was coming his way!  This really built a fire under Bartimaeus! He began to yell and scream and holler like he had never done before! There was to much at stake to miss Jesus now.  Desperation drives men to do desperate things. And Bartimaeus was desperate.

:49  “And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called.”

Its just like Jesus to go and find lost sheep, scattered over the hills and byways of this evil world.  I think Jesus went that way, because he had a divine appointment with a blind man. A man called Bartimaeus!

 Does Jesus have an appointment with you? What problems are you facing? Is your Paradise, a dwelling place of hopelessness? Behold: I hear a crowd coming!  Do you know who it is!  Will you run away and hide? Is the devil telling you to be silent?  You have a divine appointment with Jesus today! What will you do?

10:50  And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus.   Here is a very important example, for all men everywhere!

 1. 10:50 a.  He cast away his garment!  Many seek to find the Saviour, but refuse to give up their filth, habits, or addictions. They expect to come prancing into heaven, with all their vileness! Making excuses why they think this was going to work, while trying to convince themselves contrary to the word of God!  Jesus said “many shall seek to enter in, but shall not be able!”! Bartimaeus cast off his outer garment, and all the filth that went with it. If he was really serious about changing his  life, then he would have no problems casting off the things that marked him as a beggar, or the things that would drag him back down!  

2. 10:50b  he rose. Even an unlearned blind man, knew if Jesus was calling, he had to respond.  There was no putting him off. Jesus may never pass this way again! Procrastination would be a heinous sin against himself! There was no: I will go home and pray by myself.  There was no yelling back to Jesus, and saying “you come over here, meet me on my terms!”

Bartimaeus did not lie to himself or make excuses of why he did not really need to obey Jesus! After all,  his sin was only a little problem!  Bartimaeus did exactly what Jesus knew he would do!  When Jesus knocked on Barti’s door, Barti’s answered it!

3. 10:50c   HE came to Jesus!  At this point in Bartimaeus life, he was willing to do whatever was asked of him! There was no holding back.  The life of wretchedness had taken a heavy toll on Bartimaeus. He was sick of it. Many people want Jesus to make concessions, for their sins and comfort zones.  They are not sick of themselves; they think themselves to be a lot better than they really are. Pride runs deep, when people think there is no consequences.  People do not want deliverance from sin, they want their sin to be accepted. They seek Christ to forgive them of their sins, but they reject Him as their savior and Lord! When the Holy Spirit tries to lead them, they draw back, and return to their sin.  When their sin becomes too great, they repeat the cycle. Not knowing, each time they repeat the cycle, their hearts become harder and colder against God. The time will come when their conscience will be so hard, they no longer feel the weight of their sin, and will no longer see anything wrong with it.  This is what the bible means when it says” some mens sin go before, and some mens sin come after!” they go to the judgment bar of God to give a strict account of their lives. Thinking they have no sin. Only to discover, they were full of sin, and condemned to eternal damnation. 

The bible says no sin shall enter heaven. When people do not give up their sin, they are accepting the eternal punishments that go along with it.

 For Bartimaeus, the price of sin and darkness was too high.  He compared his life in darkness, to the wonderful life of light and sight. He was sick of the darkness. It is shocking how many choose darkness! They all have their reasons, but their reasons will evaporate in hell like a snowflake in the flame. But it will be to late then. They had their chance, and tried to play fast and loose with God. They lost. they will always be lost.  

Mar 10:51 a. And Jesus answered and said unto him, b. What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?  c. The blind man said    d. unto him, e. Lord,  f. that I might receive my sight. 

 Notice in :51b. Jesus asked a direct question. What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?  This would seem like a dumb question. the fact that Bartimaeus was blind, and all the misery that comes with it, were obvious.  It makes one wonder why Jesus asked it? Jesus asked the same question to the lame man, lame for 48 yrs. People are not willing to pay the price of full surrender to God!  They want to enter an erternal heaven with earthly values! They have been deceived, somehow into thinking their lot on earth, meant more to them than paradise in heaven.

Bartimaeus was not in the habit of playing games with God or making excuses.  The Question Jesus asked was Exactly what Bartimaeus wanted to hear! He was serious about changing his life and his eternity.

 Notice in :51d  the blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. 

Here we see more insights into the heart of Bartimaeus.

  1. :51c   “The blind man said “   Barti did not count on someone else to do his praying for him! He was not depending on someone else’s religiosity to get him to heaven or Jesus. He did his own honest searching, and his own honest talking!
  2. :51 d. “unto him,” Bartimaeus did not need a temple priest to be a go-between, for him to God. He said what he wanted to say, and he said it directly to Jesus. There were no prayer chains, or prayer mtgs. There was no smooth-talking preacher to salve things over for him. There was no soft piano music to woo him to an altar.  There was no evangelist trying to Get Bartimaeus, to take care of business with God.   He was serious enough to be direct and open with Jesus, and he was serious enough live it!
  3. :51e.  “Lord,” This one single word tells the whole story of Bartimaeus. He knew who Jesus was, and he accepted him as Lord! He knew who he was talking to! And they were both entirely serious in the matter.
  4. :51f.  “that I might receive my sight.”   Ever see an alter call, and listen to those who went forward, as they explained why they were there? Everyone knew their lives. It was clear to everyone, that person needed God. Then to hear that person say they came up to clear up a slight problem. They had used an expired coupon and wanted to confess it! At that point, its obvious, that person was not there to be serious with God.  They were blowing smokescreens! Trying to hide their sin, to save their pride!

Bartimaeus was not afraid of what others might think of him when he truly confessed his need.

He did not say, let me send you a privet text on my problem. Or let us meet in the office, we need to talk.

It is true, certain things should never be said at an altar.  People do not need to hear about your graphic details of sin.  It is not appropriate for children to “get educated” on your sin and how you did it.  Also, we do not want to advertise our sin for the devil. If the sins you carry are dark or sensual, confess them in silent prayer to God. He already knows all about you. You are not going to shock him. But when speaking of them to others, you refer to them as “” issues” or “problems” or whatever category you think is best. It is not the “blabbing without discretion” that saves or forgives you! It is your silent confession to God that matters!  Then if you speak of them, be honest, but use discretion. The adults may guess at what you are referring to. And will know how to pray for you. You do not need to embarrass yourself or others in Gods house. God is not there to embarrass you; he is there to save you!

Mar 10:52.  a. And Jesus said unto him, b. Go thy way; c. thy faith d. hath made thee whole.

Bartimaeus was serious, open, honest, and direct with God. God was serious, open, honest, and direct with Bartimaeus!

That was no coincidence. It is one of the spiritual physics in Gods domain.  If we seek him with our whole heart, he will be found of you!

:52. A.  “And Jesus said unto him”.  Bartimaeus wasn’t waiting for anyone to tell him, the things God wanted Bartimaeus to know.  Do not go looking for a church manual to tell you where you are with God. That’s Gods business to tell you what you need to know.  Don’t listen to sincere men or women, to start interpreting for God.!   They can help you as you try to find your way. but it’s the holy Spirits job to show you, where you’re at and what you need to do.

Bartimaeus was talking to Jesus, and Jesus was talking to Bartimaeus.  If the religious leaders of that day had gotten involved, there is no telling what those wackos would have said! Praise God we can have a personal Savior!

:52b“go thy way”. the Verbiage tells us, Jesus had no thoughts of Bartimaeus crawling away, and feeling his way by brail.  Go thy way, was clearly understood to be, go ahead, get on with your life! You will no longer be Blind Bartimaeus! But Bartimaeus the healed or, the testifier!

52c. “Thy faith!”.   When Bartimaeus came to Jesus, he brought nothing in his hand. No excuses to give, no blame or accusation against somebody else.  And no deceits. Bartimaeus wasn’t looking for blame or faults. He was looking for answers.

Bartimaeus did not, and could not say,

  1. LORD, look at all I have done for you!’
  2. Just think how important i am or will be for you.
  3. Lord, you know my position in the church, surly that must mean something!
  4. Buy the way, I have some really big contacts, they can open doors for you.
  5. Remember all that money I have already given.
  6. Lord, I am not that bad, I just need a little help.
  7. Lord you said,,, NOW DO IT! (Trying to force God to obey you, by shoving his word in his face.)
  8. Lord, you know I have a tiny bit of sin, but if you will forgive me, ill try to cut back on it.
  9. If you don’t do something for me today, “I’ll take it by faith”. And pretend you actually did! Until you decide to come up with it.

As incredible as it sounds, these excuses and many more, were said in “prayer” to God. From interesting people, trying to find God. Needless to say, it never worked!  Self-righteousness, self-importance and deceits, will only serve to get you farther away from God! To trust in yourself, is to trust in failures.

So what was it that finally got Bartimaeus his sight?  Bartimeus believed in the reports he heard, about the miracle worker from Nazareth!  He trusted in the CHARACTER of Jesus! He was trusting in what Jesus could do!

10:52 c. Jesus said, “thy faith has made you whole! “There it is again! Trusting in what Jesus said he could do! 

When we fix our hopes on Jesus. We will never be disappointed!  Like peter walking on the water, as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus, water walking was no problem! But as soon as peter began to look around, and saw the waves and the wind, Peter began to sink.

 There may be good and sincere people who want to help. If they are true saints, they will always lead you into holiness of heart and life, in this present world, along with scriptural proofs!

 But they aint Jesus!  If they have been indoctrinated by some organized religion, then all they have to offer is: organized religion!  Again: The Holy spirit will be faithful to witness to you, that which you seek, has been granted!  Anything the spirit says or does, will always be in harmony with the word of God.

READ THE BIBLE TILL IT IS SQUIRTING OUT OF YOUR BRAIN!  THEN nobody can lead you into some wacko religion or church!

Jesus Said, “if you know the truth, the truth will set you free.”


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