Psa 34:8 O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Psa 119:103 How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
The art of tasting is not as simple as putting it to your mouth. There must be the understanding of how to taste clearly.
Some of the things to consider:
1. Is to have a clean mouth. A sweet dish will taste less sweet, if the mouth has salt left in it from a previous sample. You cannot get an accurate understanding of what you are taking in, if there is something that takes away from the truth. Sometimes there is juicy piece of gossip, that give us a bad taste of things, before we even taste it! Our mistrust will build a wall around us, that will keep Christ out! It also keeps us in! we become the prisoner of our own making, by the walls of gossip.
2. Another important thing to consider is sight. Our eyes provide us with a preconceived expectation, based on the sight of the food. The mind automatically compares this image, to other images we have already experienced, and provides us with a “like” or “dislike” expectation, depending in the previous experience. This is true of scripture, as well as our experiences with others.
Are we having the after-taste of resentment, bitterness, or disappointment, from something in the past? This will undermine the influence and understanding of the scripture. Are there certain verses you avoid? Scripture, you do not like? Stop and see if there is something that has harmed you in the past, and left a bad memory of a person. Or a disappoint that has left you a bleeding heart. A good clearing out from forgiveness, is a good medicine to remedy our hurts from the past, and put the sweetness back into the word of God. It is common for the devil, to get us all worked up. Then in the heat of the experience, give us very cold drink. But this is a trick! For immediately, he will give you a poison of bitterness. But you cannot taste it! The cold drink of sweetness, into a mouth that was very dry and thirsty, numbs the taste buds! So, you cannot taste the bitterness, of what follows! So, you accept it, and think there is nothing wrong. But the damage is done!
3. Another item to consider is smell. Our smell, picks up the things we cannot see, but sends a message, of what to look out for. Instantly our guards go up! Spicy hot foods are a good example of this. Sometimes when we read the scripture, there are things we pick up on, that we cannot see, and causes us to be on guard of what the verse is actually saying. While there may be good insights gleaned from it, but there can also be, the taking away from what is actually there! there can be a fine line between insights and error!
We must always accept the word of God, as from God, who knows everything! But he will not give you anything contrary to his word, or spirit. We must always rely on what the scripture says! Not on what we think about it!
4. Next, we find a natural process called hearing. We may not consider our hearing to have any influence on our tasting, but it does! Have you ever had a waiter bring you your order, and it was still crackling from the heat! It might surprise you just how much we listen to our food, without even thinking about it! So is our perception on the bible. Not all the voices calling you are from heaven!
The “leading” or “insights”, they put into your mind, just may be “crackling” and sending you a silent message of back off! Also, there are things we hear, regardless of where we heard it, that discolor our perception. It can cause us to question the integrity of those who said it! They may not be anywhere around when you read the scripture, but they put a bug of error in your ear, that is influencing you now. I have heard some amazingly foolish statements from people I trusted in. but I must leave them in God’s hands, and not get tangled up, in trying to get to the bottom of things!
5. now, we come to our feelings. Its not unusual when tasting or eating food, that we must cut some if it away! Things such as fat, rind, or even the “undesirable” things we may find in our food! This is a good example of our feelings. We cannot live by our feelings!
It very natural to ask ourselves: how do I feel about this? What we are really saying is: what do I think about this. We all have our thoughts and opinions. That is natural. But when our thoughts or feelings, come into contrast to the word of God, it is not God that needs to change! We cannot write our theology or doctrine, based on our experiences or opinions!
If we are making excuses for why we cannot live up to the bible, then we are clearly on a dangerous road! Our feelings or thoughts, are not sound counselors! Excuses and human reasoning will fail. They will cause you to build your house on the sand.
6. the last thing on this list of Tasting the word of God, prayer.
Luk 14:24 For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper.
God has a great feast, just for us! It’s in his WORD! But, many fail to TASTE the goodness and sweetness of his word, because they have been “soured” on some experience. Sometimes that experience isn’t even their own!
Sometimes we need to learn how to taste!
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