Just Imagine
Just imagine you were having a good time at a home BBQ. Friends and family were there to visit and help. Everyone was really getting into having a great time. suddenly you felt a little weak and perhaps a little dizzy. You didn’t say anything, but somebody notices you were looking a little pale. You didn’t feel good, but didn’t want to spoil the party for yourself or anyone else. You said “I’m fine, just need to set down a bit and soak up some of this good sweet tea.”
You sat down and somebody else took over burning the burgers. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. suddenly you fall over and hit the floor. People started shouting and came running. Someone asked are you ok? But there is no answer. 911 is called. Friends were trying everything they knew to help you. The ambulance shows up and the medics go right to work on you. But you don’t know it. Finally, they put you on a gurney and cover you up. the grim expressions tell the real story. Your dead. And they all know it. Just imagine.
The crying and wailing start. The many questions that cannot be answered, are coming from all directions. Several are standing in little groups out in the yard. Talking is very low. Everyone is crying. They load you into the ambulance. The emergency lights are turned off. There is no siren. The shock and the stares cannot be hide. Everyone watches as the ambulance slowly pulls away. many are grabbing their cell phones. Some are leaving. Just imagine!
Now let’s imagine this scene from another point of view. While the medics are working on you, you feel yourself rising. Like you’re on an elevator. You look down and see them using the shock paddles. You see your body lunge, but you don’t feel anything. You see everyone there. But you looking at them from about 20 ft in the air. You hear their words; you see them cry and cover their faces with their hands. Tears are running down their hands. You see the medics as they cover you up. And then you start to rise even higher and faster. Much faster. Your surrounding changes. You seem to be in some kind of dark and shadowy world. A gray scale world. You know your moving at incredible speed, but how and where, you don’t know.
Somehow you become aware there is something by you. You look around and discover there is some kind of spiritual creature beside you. Perhaps an angel. Or the angel of death. Whatever it is, it has a very solemn and stern look on its face. It doesn’t look at you. But you look at it. Its then you realize, it’s this creature that’s taking you somewhere. You look around, but you can’t see anything. Where am I going? You try to talk, but nothing comes out. You try to move, but nothing works. Fear is starting to creep up in your heart. There is sense of doom, despair, helplessness. A sadness that is so heavy, you can almost touch it. A terrible loneliness seizes you. Though nothing is said, the truth begins to dawn on you. You know where you are going! Then far in the distance, you see some kind of weird light. You begin to smell smoke and you start hearing strange and terrifying sounds.
Now you find yourself falling, and tumbling downward. The heat is like coals of fire. You scream and it comes out. It sounds like its gargled and strangled in the smoke and smell. You see these giant and horrible, terrifying creatures rush at you. You land in a bed of glowing coals. The heat is like a torch, but you are not consumed. The creatures of terror and torture have reached you! Others are already there. they are being brutally attacked buy the creatures. Never have you imagined such terror and such brutality. Just imagine! The heat, smoke, smell, flames, creatures, screams, pain, intensity, and hopelessness. The doom! Eternity for you has begun. Just imagine. Was it worth it?
While on earth, there were many opportunities to change your life. To repent, to confess, to be forgiven. To seek God and read his word. But you put it all off, and made excuses for doing so. You justified your reasons and went right on your way, in a life of sin and serving self. The sensual. The addictions. Anger, bitterness, hate, and the lies you told yourself and others, were all there. The pleasures of sin were abundant. But the price was your soul. NOW you understand. NOW it all makes sense about the Jesus stuff. NOW you see it! But NOW, it’s too late! Just imagine!
You start to remember that preacher that said, “once you were saved, you would always be saved” and others who said “you cant stop sinning” or “you half to sin everyday in word, thought or deed”! you listened to them, you believed them, you accepted what they said! so why are you here in hell now? BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T READ THE BIBLE FOR YOURSELF AND SEE IF WHAT THEY SAID WAS TRUE! They were wrong! You believed them, instead of reading the bible for yourself. They were DEAD wrong! And now you’re dead and your wrong, and you are dead wrong! Someday they will enter this place, and you will be WAITING for them!
But wait! Turn the clock backwards! Go back to the good times BBQ. Your alive again! Yes alive! Let’s think about this! If you knew what your eternity was really going to be like, and your eternity could begin at any moment. What would you change? The heart attack, a car wreck, a sudden fall, chocking, an electrical accident, a thief in your apartment with a gun or knife, a tumble down the stairs, an aneurism, an explosion from next door, a fire. There are thousands of ways a person can get up in the morning, But have no idea that day is going to be their last day on earth.
The angel of death, needs no appointments, makes no excuses, gives no warnings and makes no apologies. He can’t be stopped, delayed, distracted or late. He come unseen, and unannounced. He’s on a mission, that mission is you. He leaves without notice, and takes you with him when he goes. He leaves unseen, but not alone. You can’t run, hide or change his mind. It’s too late! Just Imagine!
What would you give to go back? What would you change? What price would you offer, if only you could have one minuet to pray? Would God hear you, after you have shunned him, neglected him, ignored him, and mocked him by your life of sin? He often knocked at your heart’s door, but you closed that door in his face. He came to you, only to be put off and turned away. Perhaps you made some feeble attempts to change, but Sin always pulled you back. While God was watching, you sinned to his face. God has dying hour grace. But we don’t have dying hour promise!
Can you live for the devil and expect God to take you into heaven? Will all your deeds of self-righteousness save you now? It is well known, “the road to hell, is paved with good intentions”! All this sounds as scary as death and hell, because it is! It’s the reality check of eternity without God! Just imagine!
Suppose we turn the clock back again! Let’s go back to that BBQ. Let’s say you died just as we saw it. But now let’s change the person’s character. You were a Christian! You realized sin would destroy you in this life, and drag you into hell, in the next world. You long ago asked Jesus to Forgive you! You long ago repented and got saved! Your heart was changed. Your life was changed. You read the bible every day and walked in its guiding light, your time in prayer was a time of one-on-one with God! You understood spiritual things, and had a living victory over sin! Praise God!
Now you’re watching the sad and tragic scene as before. But Now the Angel of God welcome you! There is a brightness all around. Loved ones that went to heaven, are welcoming you as you rise to meet them! This is that great cloud of witnesses. There is such singing as you never heard, coming from somewhere.
You see a bright light ahead, you look around, everyone is smiling and praising God! You find yourself at the very Gates of heaven! The beautiful sights, the bright and shinning glory that radiates everywhere, seems to go straight to your heart! What a time this really is! You see the kingdom of Heaven. The banners are hanging over the majestic walls. the streamers, high aloft from every tower, are waving in the breeze. Angles everywhere! The bells are ringing, people are shouting, heavens gates are opening! Jesus who saved you, comes walking out the gate! He has this wonderful smile and he’s coming to greet you, into your new home! people you loved, people you heard of, heroes of the faith all of them! Gathering around you! Hugging you! Welcoming you! Touching you!
YOU ENTER THE KINGDOM! There are thousands everywhere! Booths are everywhere, set up to offer you refreshments and welcome you home! There are water fountains and waterfalls along the way! trees with luscious fruit spread in every direction. Towering mountains in the distance, radiate in majesty and beauty. Angles and saint singing such a glorious melody! The white paved walkways are lined with flowers that seem like they are made of light! Horseman girded in glistening armor, riding on horses that shine like the sun, come out of the inner castle. They are the kings’ men, come to usher you into the courts of the king! Through the first arched entryway, called the “kings gate,” you enter the famous dining hall of the king! There is much feasting at the king tables. Onward you go, ushered through such majesty as you have never imagined. Then through the second arched entryway, you enter the king’s inner court. You just entered his gates with thanksgiving in your heart, and now you are about to enter his courts with praise! There you see God the Father, sitting on his throne! The court is filled with thousands of saints and angles. The long-carpeted isle, that leads straight to the throne, is lined with such a heavenly host, as one cannot imagine while on earth. There sits God the father! Angels are all around his throne! The elders are the first line of attendants, seated before the king. The court falls to silence, as you approach the throne! The horseman stopped at the second archway. The multitudes stopped before the elders. Only Jesus is walking beside you now. Your legs are weak. Your heart is so full of rapturous joy! God speaks, calling you by name. “Welcome my child! I have been watching you!” He beckons you to come closer. Jesus walks with you. The father proclaims to all of heaven, “this is my child! Who trusted in my Son, and has lived a life worthy of being here!” There is a thunderous roar of voices, as the praise and exclamation ring out! Heavens bells are ringing, the glory of that moment is so powerful!
God says, have you seen your new home?
Jesus: No Father.
God: Let them see it!
Jesus: I’ll take them there myself.
With that, Jesus takes you back the way you came in. you realize your not actually walking. More like floating or flying. You’re moving so fast.
And then, through a Garden of flowers, you see this mansion in the distance. Somehow you know, that’s YOUR mansion! As you approach it, Dad, Mom, Johnny, Granny, Aunt Harriot, Robert, Jovanna, Bro. McGuire, and many many more! All come out of your mansion to welcome you home!
The sights of little children, as they play and shout, and laugh. They splash in the water and chase each other in the grass! Two of them pick a hand full of flowers and bring them to you with a big smile and a tight hug! What a sight! It fills your heart, and brings a glorious joy with it. They had a dark start on earth, and then a sudden departure into eternity. But now they are home. never to cry or hunger, or fear, or shiver in the cold again! Their dirty rags are gone, they wear a little rob of purest white! Bare foot and happy. Their playground is right next to your house! Filling each room with laughter and giggling and shouts! With many loved ones rejoicing with you, you tour you new home!! JUST IMAGINE! Was it worth it?
Was it worth it to say no to sin? To say no to yourself? To chose to walk the holy highway, instead of riding the railway to hell?
Contrast this with your entry into hell. And consider it.
Every soul on earth, has a choice to make! Walk with God, in faithfulness and truth, or, walk with the devil, and all of his allurements! It’s a choice that determines our eternity!
Some say “the bible isn’t real or true.” But that has never been said, on the other side of the grave!
Many foolishly think eternity begins at the end of time. but eternity begins when you get there! When you leave the realm of time, because of death or leave the grave. Eternity begins!
At the end of the world, EVERYONE will meet eternity! Some to eternal life, some to eternal punishments.
But to the child of God, death and the grave are swallowed up in Victory! Just imagine!
That day you asked Jesus into your heart, confessing your sins, forsaking all the devils’ allurements, and living for a better world. You had no idea how far reaching it would be! Just imagine!
Those who put off their salvation, procrastinated, lived for sin and the things of this world. They were victims of the devils’ deceits and lies. However, at the point of death, they found out how far reaching their sins would take them. Imagine that!
God put into every heart, a hidden knowledge of their sin. Somehow, they know they are wrong. Somehow, they know death is a fearful thing. somehow, they know, eternity is waiting! The lake of fire with all of it’s creatures of torment, is waiting! Imagine that!
When you die, you will face eternity with the life you have lived. You cannot expect to die a sinner, then to be resurrected as a saint! No more than you can plant seeds of briars and grow olive trees! You cannot sow seeds of sin, and expect to reap a harvest of righteous. Death cannot make us pure and clean. It only makes us dead. And seals our eternity!
Jesus said, speaking of the resurrection:
Mat 13:49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,
Mat 13:50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Joh 5:28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
Joh 5:29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
Rev 22:11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
Rev 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
- The out of the body experience is taken from the testimony of several who have died, but was sent back to earth, because their work was not done yet. See “life after life”
- The experience of entering hell, is also taken from the testimony of those who actually entered there. But they also were sent back to earth and was told to tell their story.
- The experience of entering the city, is taken from the autobiography of John Bunyon. Bunyon lived during the time when castles and kings were a reality. The process and events told here reflect his experience as an eye witness to those events. Bunyon was in the king’s army, and witnessed these events first hand. Its amazing how many of those events are mentioned in the bible, concerning heaven.
- The description of heaven, the children, the mansion and the throne room: are a combination of those testimonies built on the framework of scripture.
- The most important parts of this message, is not written down. And waits to be revealed. That hidden mystery is:
a. what road are you going to choose?
b. Where will you spend eternity?
c. will you cast off the devils lies, and embrace the truth?
d. will you enter through the gates of life, before it’s too late?
e. IS, the road to hell, paved with your good intentions?