Category: Uncategorized
Bible word applications
Bible words application. It is noted, that the dictionary definitions, are not always in harmony with the application of those words found in the scripture. While the dictionary offers a wide and useful explanation of words, those definition change in time. however, the bible application of those words does not change. Thus, to the…
Baptism part 1. Romans 6:1-14 In today’s discussion, we are going to look at the word “Baptism” and how it is used in the scripture. If you are thinking of baptism, as being immersed in water, or just: an outward expression of an inward experience, then you are going to have some problems with Romans…
Overview of Grace
A Quick overview part I Sinner 1. Sinner. When a man sins, he is recognized as a “sinner.” He is not a sinner, because he sins. That would imply his sinful actions is what made him a sinner. He is a sinner because he was born a sinner. (Because of Adam and Eve long ago). …
A Solitary place
My Testimony: A solitary place. I have been home for some time now. There were issues in my own personal life that seriously needed to be delt with. Ideas and concepts that was wreaking havoc.. I understand there are some battles you must fight more than once to win, but these returning battles have destroyed…
10 Commandments’
Exo 20:1 And God spake all these words, saying, Exo 20:2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 1. Exo 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 2. Exo 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven…
The showdown.
The preacher rode into town. Got off his horse and looked around. He saw the saloon and gun fights too. He said to God, this won’t do! But as walked the dusty street. It wasn’t chance, they hap to meet. The devil stood in the way, he hollerd loud what he did say!” Get out…
having compony!
Having Company used to be a highlight of Ozark living. When you live so far out in the sticks, yoursunlight had to be pumped to you, you knew you werealmost home.The first sign of company had nothing to do with the mail, because you didn’t get any mail. You had togo to the post office…
no such things as hawks.
This is an allegory. Titled No such things as hawks. based on true stories. In a certain town, there was an indoor bird sanctuary. One day these birds got together and had a meeting to discuss the terrible stories there were hearing about hawks. It was decided, since no one had ever actually seen any…
Baptism is Entering in.
Entering in. 1. Physical application of entering in. Your outside the house. you want to go inside. Inside are the things you’re looking for and wanting to do. There is a reason that you want to go inside the house. But needing or wanting to go inside, is not the same as actually going inside.…
Truth VS. facts
Truth or fact? Some believe facts and truth are the same. But they are actually opposites. Let’s consider some of the differences. Facts Based on humanism and false science. 2 Corinthians 4:4 the god of this world, uses facts, not truth. In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them…