Tag: bible

  • Read the Bible

    Read the Bible! Here is an example of trusting in things, or people, that are not in harmony with Gods word. And the foolishness of NOT knowing God’s word! Just imagine, leaving this world at the point of death, and go to the throne of God, expecting to have a victorious entrance into the kingdom!…

  • Bible word applications

    Bible words application.                It is noted, that the dictionary definitions, are not always in harmony with the application of those words found in the scripture.  While the dictionary offers a wide and useful explanation of words, those definition change in time. however, the bible application of those words does not change.  Thus, to the…

  • no such things as hawks.

    This is an allegory.  Titled   No such things as hawks.   based on true stories. In a certain town, there was an indoor bird sanctuary.   One day these birds got together and had a meeting to discuss the terrible stories there were hearing about hawks.  It was decided, since no one had ever actually seen any…